Anyhoo, i'm treating the one below as a test piece, i didn't bother stripping the thick black paint on it, so the details are a bit soft to say the least. It was my first time trying to paint flames, and suffice to say that more practice is needed! no idea how the GW 'Eavy Metal team do those stylised flames on the box art, but i guess they are just better painters for a start!
I rushed through it in a day and in the down time i painted up Luke Skywalker - Jedi Knight for Imperial Assault/Frostgrave.
With the addition of Maul I've now got enough force users to create 3 war bands for the Star Wars Frostgrave mod, which i intend on running shortly - just gathering up some scenery to use in addition to the Battle Systems stuff i picked up last year. (more on that below!)
And finally, a group of re-painted Knights (maybe not quite finished!) and a Wizard from Zombicide Black Plague - who i think will work well in Frostgrave too.