Hmm, moving house has put my hobbying and blogging on a bit of a hiatus, but all sorted now and back in the groove, and i now have a dedicated 'man-cave' as well as nice big dining table, that i've made a 6x4 overlay for! Happy days!
I'll start 2016's news with some progress and goals.
1. Started a 35,000 point NetEpic campaign, with game 1 under the belt and god only knows how many to go! link here for those who wish to follow it >
2. Built/painted some desert scenery to go with my new mats, and for the campaign
3. Painted some more IG units to fill some of the gaps i had in my collection
4. Started an Iron Warriors army, as my first dip in to Chaos, i like the fact they aren't too deamony/magical, its more just good honest siege warfare from them. So far i've got a Siege Century painted, and some test models for the rest of the force, but they are pretty quick/simple to do, so will hopefully have 3-5k in no time!
5. Also started playing the X-Wing Miniatures Game from Fantasy Flight - Can't recommend it enough, very simple to learn/play, but with the depth of an ocean in terms of advanced gameplay, the models come nicely pre-painted, but lend them selves well to a bit of sprucing up if you choose.
Its also nice to have a quick game to play, that is still being produced! The novelty of going into a shop to buy new stuff still hasn't worn off!
So in no particular order, here's some snaps!