Happy March everyone!
I'm a little late in updating, and to be honest February continued the roll of hobby progress, with lots of Bolt Actions stuff painted and played with.
Apologies again for the out of order photo dump, I think Google is working against me here.
I started Feb by outlining my Epic Squat 'to do' list, splitting the units into formations and companies for 2nd Ed/Net Epic and began the task of painting.
So far I've base coated my biker guilds and support bikes but stalled again already. hoping to treat them as a palate cleanser when i run out of steam painting WW2 stuff.
Talking of which...
I picked up a fresh box of the new British Commandos, Winter Germans and a Stuart III.
My plan is to update my Commando force with some better sculpts (and paint jobs) as well as use some of the bodies and bits from other kits to flesh out my regular British Army and do some SAS guys too.
The Winter Germans have started life as a Volksstrum unit, but given how rubbish they are in game (anecdotally), I'll likely save the rest of the box for a future project, perhaps something Eastern Front...
The Stuart III got some kit bash treatment to give me the option of running it as a USMC Stuart, or Commonwealth Stuart Recce.
I also picked up a bits box job lot which had a bunch of German Grenadiers, Fallschrimjager, a Kettenkrad a host of other bits which will work great for conversions (the first being a platform for my 20mm Flak cannon).
The grenadiers found themselves being converted to a squad of Gebirgsjager, with rope bundles made from braided fishing line, caps, green stuff jacket hoods, G43 rifles and MG34s selling the look.
We also managed a mini campaign of sorts, playing a couple of Firefight Skirmish games with the Commandos vs SS and culminating in a Paratroopers vs SS 750pt game.
The Brits were smashed in all 3 games, a lot of this being due to my over aggression and not really playing to their strengths... Next time!
And lastly (or firstly) I updated some of my Sci-Fi jungle terrain to be a bit more 'realistic', but still some work to do their to dull it all down etc...
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