
Wednesday 22 April 2020

Frostgrave - Strange times

Its fair to say times are a bit strange at the moment.
Many hobbyists are thriving with extra time at home to focus on projects. 
Oddly, i'm busier than ever at work, so i'm really having to force myself to take some time to do a bit of hobby time.

My office space is also my hobby room, so it's difficult to form barriers but i realise that i'm lucky have the space, and indeed a job at the moment, so mustn't grumble!

Despite all my efforts to 'minimise' my library of games, and my collection of models and terrain, i have slipped a little!

And by a little, i mean I've jumped head first into Frostgrave and Ghost Archipelago, my justification being that i already had the rule book, some minis and some terrain, so might as well flesh it out to have enough to play with.

I picked up a bunch of the official Northstar sprues for minis, as well as some Wargames Atlantic skeletons, and various other toys for creatures, none of this broke the bank, which was nice. I also made some terrain for specific scenarios, but where i splurged was on a new game mat and some resin pre-painted terrain from gamemat.eu. On the face of it, an expensive and unnecessary addition to my already bulging shelves, but i blame boredom!

It's fair to say our X-Wing campaign is on hiatus at the moment, so i'm tentatively looking at getting the other half involved in some Frostgrave, which partially justifies my recent efforts :)

In addition i'll dump some photos below of everything since my last post, which isn't much!

Starting with some 'baddies' or wandering monsters, and even some epic too, just to keep on-brand with the blog!

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