
Monday, 27 June 2022

June roundup - Grimdark Future... Mostly!

 So June has been a slowish month, in fact I only really completed 5 models I reckon.

Eldar Rangers were something that had been bouncing around my bits box for about 30 years half/badly painted and i decided to bring them up to date. Looking forward to getting these on the table for a game of Grimdark Future.

I picked up some more Slaanesh stuff for Epic and got them tabletop ready, but still need to do some finishing touches, probably will be spurred on if I'm fielding them at some point.

Other than that i catalogued/photographed everything that I have painted for 40k/OPR mostly for a reference for myself for list building.

I also picked up a 'Start Collecting Eldar Craftworlds' box, really just to get the Wraithguard and Wraithlord out of it to give me a decent small Eldar force.

In the coming months I'll probably just try to paint what I have left for 40k/OPR and maybe get back to Bolt Action too, but we'll see! I'm really just painting what I fancy day-to-day which is nice.

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