Just a quick update/sharing of tips;
I'm sure most of you probably already use these techniques, but when it comes to painting a companies worth of foot slogger troops you could go mad painting them individually!
The disclaimer here is that i'm far from the best painter around, and my lack of attention to detail often lets me down, perhaps i'll spend more time on the character units, but this guide allows me to paint ~100 troops in the time it takes to drink a cup of tea.
First things first, clip the sprues to leave the models attached at the base only and clean up any crap left on the top joint.
I then prime the lot black (I prefer Army Painter spray but in this case Citadel Imperial Primer works well if you can't spray)
Once the primer is dried i give the whole lot a semi-dry brushing of their base coat colour - Ulthran Grey in for these guys. this leaves the recessed areas black and negates the need to use ink/shade later on i reckon.
This coat dries almost instantly (if you are doing a companies worth)
I then go back to the first strip and apply the shoulder colour, in this case - Ultramarine Blue (or what ever its called now)
Thinned down with a drop of watter it flows into the MK7 pads without any effort and leaves the edges clean, for the MK6's i just put the edge of the brush flat against the pad and wiggle it slightly to cover the curved surface.
While the shoulders are drying i paint the bolters - Leadbelcher silver, these can be fiddly, but i'm not overly fussed about being too neat and often cover the hands holding the weapon too!
Now that the shoulder pads have dried i add a spot of detail to represent the legion logo (red jaws surrounding a green/blue planet)
for these guys i simply add a spot of Valejo model colour red. I know there are people out there who can probably do the fully detailed logo, but i'm not one of them!
For the terminators (as they have a bit more space) i've attempted the logo with a line of red at the top and bottom of a green spot, which looks OK.
After this comes basing... and my downfall;
I'm yet to find a quick way of doing nice basing, i had some round, pre-holed bases from SCP that i used for the first batch, which was really easy. a bit of PVA and a dip in some sand and a spot of static grass pretty much completes them. Now i'm back to using 2p Pieces for the rest and as the model sits on the surface rather than flush with it it can look a bit crap.
Hopefully i'll figure out a way to do it and let you know.